These steps is to solve this issue in Sitecore Xp 7.2 Update-6
- Contact Sitecore support for the fix "Sitecore.Support.322918"
- Add the settings
before each occurrence of <add type="Sitecore.Resources.Media.UploadWatcher, Sitecore.Kernel" name="SitecoreUploadWatcher"/>
(see <system.webServer>/<modules> section and <system.web>/<httpModules> section)
- Comment out all lines
- Put the Sitecore.Support.322918.dll file into the /bin folder of your web site
- In the web.config file, add the following string under the <settings> section
Such value seems to be enough for 5000 files with short names, but you can increase it further to be sure that even files with very long names will be uploaded.
For example:
If the full file path contains 100 symbols, it takes 200 bytes
32000 files will take 6400000 bytes (6250 kb), so the setting value should be:
<setting name="FileSystemWatcherBufferSize" value="6400000 "/>