Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sitecore 8.1 (rev.151003) - EXM Can't create onetime message

I have been facing issues in create onetime message from "Create button" in Email Experience Manage EXM in Sitecore 8.1 (rev.151003) , while it was working from the content editor.
Creating any message types, you would get the templates showing up, select any template and click create.
The create button disables and no further action happens and the page is not refreshed.

After investigation I found that there is a switch statement in MessageCreationDialogBase.js  and it is case sensitive and the site has custom link provider set with lowercaseUrls=”true”  then the case statement fails.
the simple fix was to go into the custom config file which has the link manager and change:

Sitecore : Rendering Exception Handling

To prevent showing yellow crash page if an error raised in one of Sitecore controls  and keep handle errors for developers without showing ...